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New Run BASIC Hosting Service

The first Run BASIC Hosting Service at shutdown a few months ago. This happened just before I realized that I needed a hosting service for my own applications. If it shutdown a month later, I may have become one of Jerry's last customers.

Personally, I don't want to rely on a server running in my home connected to the Internet through my Comcast cable modem. I know a lot of people do that and it's the cheapest way to go, but I did some testing and found that I have service interruptions almost every day. They are usually short and during the night, though. Plus, there are the occasional major outages both in cable service and power that usually happen during winter months or in bad weather. I live in Atlanta, so this doesn't happen often, but it's still often enough.

Last month, I purchased a subscription for my own VPS (Virtual Private Server) at VPSLand. I also started wondering if anyone else in the Run BASIC community would like to have a hosting service again. I posted this question on the forum and there was some interest, so I decided to throw my hat into the ring and start my own service for both myself and the Run BASIC community.

The service will launch in January, 2010. Yesterday, I brought a new website online that gives more details -- including pricing. It will be as affordable as the first hosting service with more features. My strategy is to start small, just as the Run BASIC community is still small and scale up as needed. The VPS -- instead of a dedicated server -- is the smartest starting point financially.

The new address for the service is


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